Saturday, 31 December 2011

More Raven stuff

So I finished up on the first set of character sheets for the Raven, as well as the accompanying accessory sheets. I've also started on a render of a portion of the t-pose picture to help define colour and texture for when that part of the modelling process starts. It's actually been quite some time since I've painted flesh.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Dragon - WIP

Around an hour or so, based off of a rough sketch. Nowhere close to complete and I get the feeling this is one of those pieces I'll be on an off on for a few months (see the Ravens Nest for a prime example of this) before I decide it's good enough to call complete. By the looks of it though it could be a good candidate for a wall print. There's a type of person that likes hanging pictures of badass dragons on their walls right?

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Character concept sheet for the Raven, with some flyouts. Still need to do a second sheet with his cloak and hat on it, and probably a painting of his head, as well as texture samples/details to illustrate the materials his clothing and armor are made from but I hope it's enough for Phil to get a start on modelling, when he can.
Ok so, I only put twelve members into a painting of the council of thirteen. I suppose someone could have been absent, but that'd be silly and lazy. So I woke up at 4:30 in the morning to paint in that last guy and have it submitted on time.

Sunday, 11 December 2011

The Thirteenth Member, illustration for issue thirteen of the Skavenblight Gazette. Composition ummm...borrowed...from Leonardo DaVinci. Fun fact - from creating the file to submitting it in to Matthew to be placed on the cover was a total of thirteen days. I may have purposely taken that long, although a big part of me wanted to push it to the line and take a few extra days on it. This is the first full illustration I've completed since buying the new PC and Photoshop, and the first picture to have started and completed with the new PC actually sitting at a desk. Originally I planned to have some animation to it, for the cover, but that can wait for another day.
I've got a few work in progress shots I plan on compiling into an animated .gif instead, so people can be all like wow, it fades between things!