Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Personal piece WIP - The Nest

Something I had sketches for and started today, it's a nest made of corpses with it's builder sitting atop it. Yay! Fussed around trying to choose a set of colours to go with, and I think I'll slowly be letting hints of other colours leak in, particularly around the focus.

UPDATE 30/7/11: A few days later, been working so I haven't had alot of time to work on this. Just been fiddling around with the main figure, adjusted him a bit to fit in more with a character concept of him I had around. Probably noodling a bit too much on the figure itself and ignoring the rest of the picture too much at the moment. Really want to find the time to work in more details on the nest itself.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

S.Team Project - Steambot Thumbnail Refinements

Picked out my three favourite steambot thumbnails and worked on them a bit, adding a little bit of detail and colour to help me flesh out the ideas a little. Eventually I'll decide on one that hits the sweet spot for likeability and ease of modelling/rigging, which means that even though I like the feel of far right most so far that middle will probably win out.

Monday, 25 July 2011

The Forest

And so it's gotten to the point where I don't think it'd be wise to work on it any more. I'm just noodling whenever I touch it now, which I could do for hours and hours more but would ultimately just be wasted effort. I like what I've ended up with, and I've learned things during the painting process (especially since I completed quite a few other pieces and scribbles while working on this). I'm thinking of painting a few more environment pieces and having them printed to see if people would pay money for them.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

WIP - A Forest, minor update

Placed a mountain and stuff in the background, some clouds. Something to stop it feeling so empty. I like that it now has something there, I do kind of wish I could think of something better to put there (that is still suitable).
UPDATE: Couple of hours, one load of washing and a tiny amount of general house cleaning later, this is what I have. I think I certainly like where it's going and think it'll be finishing up soon, but mostly because I want to work on a few more pieces like this that I can print and sell to fund my alcoholism.

Saturday, 16 July 2011

S.Team - Character Thumbnails

Quick thumbnails for a few character concepts for the S.Team Project. The Gyronaut and Robot ones were fun and yielded some good results, but I'm really unsure about the security one. Having trouble nailing a satisfactory feel for that character.

Monday, 4 July 2011

Personal Piece WIP - A Forest

A personal piece I've been working on, of some sort of forest place, with leaves and grass and a rock, some water. Some trees. And some pleasing, pretty colours. It's a pretty piece but it still feels unfinished, like it's lacking something from the whole middle area. Thinking maybe I shouldn't make it so blown out and work in some more details of the clearing and waterfall there, since you wouldn't even know they're there if you weren't me.

S.Team Project - Bed v2

Bed redesign. Feels a bit more betterer now, because it is a bit more betterer.

Friday, 1 July 2011

S.Team Projects - Assets backlog

Just a post to contain all the S.Team assets concepted before I created the blog. At least, all the concepts I feel are worth sharing.